
"Delendum Est Bellum."


To the Editors of the CRIMSON:

I wish to express my approval of the CRIMSON'S taking a stand on the subject of the summer military camps. When a paper devotes the care the CRIMSON does to the selection of its editorialists, it is right that it should present its ideas on live quesions. The editorial column does not exist to be filled with expressions of benevolent neutrality but for the setting forth of opinions.

Not only are your editorials worth reading but the letters they elicit are most interesting. I was struck by two of these which contrasted Switzerland with Belgium and used the contrast as an argument for our being more prepared for war. It is entirely possible that Belgium, had she been more military, might have frightened off the German attack. But the plain fact is that all the nations that have heavy armamens, except Italy and the United States, are at war and none of the nations of minor military strength, except Servia, Montenegro, and Belgium, are at war.

The analogy between the United States and Switzerland or Belgium however, is false, owing to our much more fortunate situation. What nation can conceivably find it to its advantage to hack its way through the United States to reach its enemy? Certainly we have as little reason to fear the designs of any of our neighbors as they ours. If it is Canada that menaces us, let us at once abrogate the agreement of one hundred years' standing in accordance with which our northern frontier is entirely unfortified.

No. Preparedness for war does not in the long run promote a just peace, the only peace we wish, the only peace that lasts. Then let us not waste our time learning how to destroy when we might be learning how to conserve. War is made by men and must be unmade by men. Let us not say, in case war comes we should all be ready to meet it, but rather set our energies to making war impossible. "Delendum est bellum." W. G. RICE, JR., 1L.
