
Senior "Rogues' Gallery" Posted

In spite of the urgently repeated appeals of the Senior Photograph Committee for Seniors to make appointments at Notman's, there are still 15 men who are greatly holding up the work on the Album. If these 15 men arrange immediately for sittings at Notman's, they are fairly sure to appear in the Album. The "rogues' gallery" as it stands now contains the following names: D. H. Bradford, D. S. Campbell, W. Franzen, H. S. King, W. Lippincott, W. D. Lyon, C. H. McClure T. K. Meloy, S. Morse, P. S. Page, C. Perkins, A. H. P. Sayres, E. L. Shaw, H. Wainwright, and P. Winsor.

More Designs Wanted.

Members of the Senior class are again reminded that the competition for the book plate design of the Senior Album is still open and will continue until Saturday. As yet only one design has been submitted and consequently there in an excellent opportunity for new contestants. All copies should be turned over to the committee in Matthews 5.

Senior Song Competition Starts.

The competition for the Senior Class Song, open to Seniors only, begins today. It must be a song which can be sung at all undergraduate and graduate gatherings of the class, and which will be sung by the Glee Club at Yard concerts and on Class Day.


The requirements for the song are few. It must be simple, strong and dignified in style. There may be two verses with or without a chorus. Men having words without music, or music without words, should call at Stoughton 12, where the completed songs are to be handed in. Men may submit as many songs as they choose.

Class Day Ticket Designs Wanted.

The competition for the Class Day ticket designs has been extended until Saturday, and all Seniors who can are urgently requested to submit copies to F. J. Bradlee, Jr., '15, in Matthews 9 as soon as possible. The winning contestant will receive free tickets to all events. All copies should be in black india ink on white paper 7 1-2 by 4 1-2 inches

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