To the Editors of the CRIMSON:
The majority of men in College today do not yet realize that the lacrosse team offers more to the individual than any other athletic team representing the University. Therefore I should like to use your columns as a means of notifying them of what opportunities they are letting pass away unnoticed.
In addition to the usual southern trip during the spring recess, which comprises a tour of New York, Baltimore, Annapolis, and Washington, the lacrosse team will take a western trip to Geneva and Ithaca. These two trips are unrivalled from the point of a good time, and they possess much value from the educational standpoint. Last year Harvard lost the lacrosse championship for the first time in seven years and there is much work to be done to re-establish its supremacy in this branch of athletics. This end can be obtained only through an abundance of material and close competition. Therefore more men are urged to take advantage of this unusual weather and report for practice immediately. No previous experience or knowledge of the game is necessary.
This year the lacrosse team will have the services of Arthur Warwick, a Canadian professional, as coach, who will be assisted by P. Gustafson '12, captain of the 1912 team and coach of the 1913 and 1914 teams, and by R. S. Simmons '13, captain of the 1913 team. Other graduates also will be on hand, so that there will be excellent opportunities to receive individual coaching.
Sophomores and Juniors are especially urged not to let this chance slip by. There are five weeks before the team is picked for the southern trip, and this has been shown to be ample time to develop an inexperienced man. W. E. NIGHTINGALE '15, Captain.
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