Work on the Harry Elkins Widener Memorial Library has been progressing rapidly during the last month, and the building is now in its final stage. All constructive work has ceased; there only remains to remove the scaffolding and complete the interior decorating. By June first everything will be ready for the books.
The racks which hold the sixty miles of shelves are all in place. Both are of pressed steel, covered with a dark grey enamel. There are sixteen floors of these cases, capable of holding 2,500,000 volumes. Work on them has ceased, and the shelves will be in place by the first of April. These main book cases are extremely open. They extend only seven and a half feet from the floor, so that every volume may be reached without a stand. Means for transporting the books to and from the shelves, and a numbering system, have been carefully arranged.
The main reading room is a marvel of decorative skill. The scaffolding has been removed, and the ceiling decorations are nearly complete. The color of the ceiling, as well as the polished stone pillars and side columns, is a deep yellow. The lighting is accomplished by means of diffusion glass, which will be in place in a month. The plastering here, as throughout the building, is finished, and the tile work is rapidly coming on. The book cases for this room have been ordered; the massive centre tables are ready and waiting to be inserted.
The entrance doors, leading to the first floor, treasure room, cataloging room, and offices, are now being placed.
No trouble has been spared to make the interior of the building as handsome and convenient as possible. The illumination throughout has been carefully planned. High windows and the two lightwells coupled with open interior construction, assure a free, well-lighted interior. The front inside steps and first floor columns are of magnificent white stone.
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