
Discussion to be on Prayer

There will be a meeting of the St. Paul's Society in Brooks House this evening at 7 o'clock. It will be the third of a series of discussions which have been held this winter. The leader will be F. H. Cabot '17, and the subject will be "Prayer."

Teacher's Position Open in China.

There is a position vacant in the Anglo-Chinese College at Foochow, China, for a teacher of Physics and geology next year. The salary is adequate for comfortable living, but the travelling expenses out and back are not paid. This college does not consist entirely of Chinese, for there is a foreign community there of nearly four hundred. Those who have gone out there report the life varied and interesting, and not at all in accord with the weird ideas that are sometimes prevalent in regard to conditions in the East. Immediate application must be sent in as the appointment will be made soon. Any one who is interested may secure further information from J. C. Manry '13, in Phillips Brooks House.
