
Belgian Play at Colonial

A performance of "Cyrano de Bergerac," a four act drama of Gascony in the time of Richelieu, will be given at the Colonial Theatre tomorrow afternoon for the Belgian Relief and Unemployed Funds. The production is under the direction of Mr. Edward Vroom, who directed the Shakespeare performances given for the Belgian Relief Fund at the Hollis Theatre last December. The cast of seventy-five includes the following University men: R. S. K. Irvin '18, W. H. Russell '18, A. Shortt '17, E. C. Wilkins '16, E. F. Woodruff '16, W. A. Williams '15, R. W. Hoskier '18, C. G. Paulding '18, M. P. McNair '16, W. E. Chapman '02, and C. Schenck '04. Several other University men are also acting as "supers."
