The Nominating Committee of Phillips Brooks House Association has named the following officers for the ensuing college year:
President.--W. J. Bingham '16, and F. W. Busk '16.
Vice-President.--C. A. Coolidge '17, and W. Willcox '17.
Secretary.--R. W. Babcock '17, and W. W. Webster '17.
Treasurer.--F. H. Cabot '17, and C. Higginson '17.
Librarian.--J. D. Parson '17, and E. F. Smiley '17.
The Constitution provides that additional nominations may be made on petition of 20 members not later than one week previous to the election. Wednesday, February 24, has been decided upon for the election of officers. The officers then elected shall take office at the April recess, with the exception of the Treasurer who shall take office at the end of the fiscal year.
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