

Phi Beta Kappa Plans for Further Stimulation of Interest In Scholarship Among Schools.

The Graduate Board of the University Chapter of Phi Beta Kappa has taken a step calculated to stimulate interest in that organization, and to extend its influence into the schools. Beginning with next year, a tablet in bas relief will be bestowed upon the school whose graduates enter the University with the highest standing. At the end of ten years this trophy will remain in the permanent possession of the school in whose hands it has been placed the greatest number of times. From year to year, the names of the different successful institutions will be appended to the tablet, so that it will attain a high degree of value by the time of its permanent bestowal.

No plan similar to this has ever before been made, but providing it proves successful, it will probably be taken up by Phi Beta Kappa chapters in other colleges.

At an early date, the committee in charge, of which the chairman is W. C. Lane '81, will publish in a circular the full particulars of the plan, which, together with a photograph of the trophy, will be sent to all schools who enter men in the University.
