The semi-annual report of the Co-operative Society, approved at a recent meeting of the Directors, shows a decrease from the sales of last year during the six months from July 1 to December 31 of over $10,000. This decrease has been due largely to a decline in the sales of the book and furniture departments. Small sales in the book department are attributed to the almost entire falling away of orders for foreign books, it having been an impossibility to secure a foreign importation during September and October. The decrease in the furniture department is due to the fact that this year's Freshman class is housed in furnished dormitories.
Depite the decrease in sales there is an increase in expenses, over the corresponding months of 1913 of $2,024. Mr. M. H. Goodwin, superintendent of the Society, resigned in December, and Mr. G. E. Cole '04 was appointed to succeed him. The Directors have prepared plans for a new building, but on account of the unfavorable outlook in business conditions, they have decided to postpone actual work.
Following are the most important figures of the report (which may be seen in full at the Superintendent's Office in the main store):
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