

What Germany Wants.

(We invite all men in the University to submit communications on subjects of timely interest, but assume no responsibility for sentiments expressed under this head.)

To the Editors of the CRIMSON:

I have read with great interest in a recent issue a letter from Mr. Henderson. Will you permit me, also an A.M. of Harvard, to reply. My experience with the Germans lies less along literary and scholarly lines than Mr. Henderson's, but I have been both a consular and diplomatic officer of the United States and as such it has been my lot to come more or less into contact with German officials. I regret that my personal observations as to what Germany wants are quite different from those of Mr. Henderson. My impression, gathered from contact with German officials has been that Germany has long been spoiling for a war wherein she might wrest the control of the seas from England and impose her "Kultur" upon the rest of the world, including the United States. I have found educated Germans speaking with the greatest levity of making war, and I was told by a German official, upon one occasion, that Germany had determined to go down through the Balkans to the Aegean, and when I ventured to point out that there were obstacles in the way he replied "What other nations want makes no difference, but what we want we take." Such sentiments, expressed by persons in authority, have not been calculated to instill in my mind the same confidence in the nobility of Germany's aims as Mr. Henderson has, but then I am not a man of letters or have I derived my opinions from German professors. G. A. MORIARTY, JR., '06.
