

Senior Dormitory Rooms Chosen--Chairmen to Obtain Contracts

The second allotment of rooms to Juniors has been made as follows: S.O.S., Matthews 45 and 46: J.J. Cronin, D.E. Judd, C.E. Kennedy, (chairman), W.J. Littlefield; H2O, Matthews 42: G.H. Hughes, (chairman), S.E. Stuart, Jr.; Janus, Matthews 39: L.S. Kubie, (chairman), R.G. Nathan; H.A.C., Matthews 44: C.R. Farnsworth, (chairman), A.C. Keck; Four in One, Matthews 43: N.B. Clark, (chairman), H.L. Nash; The Lambs, Matthews 53: H.J. Whitehill; R.S.V.P., Matthews 27: W.A. Clark Jr. The chairmen indicated in this list are requested to obtain the contract cards at the office of the Bursar in Dane Hall as soon as possible. There are still a number of chairmen in the first allotment who have not yet signed contract cards, and they are asked to do so without further delay. This last allotment of 14 brings the total number up to 358.
