

Fear has been expressed that the club agreement, printed in its final form this morning, will bring about a "tap day" in the University. But an examination of the agreement will show that there is little danger that prospective club members will have to line up in front of University Hall or anywhere else to be slapped fraternally on the shoulder by their brethren in the bond. Elections will proceed much as before; small groups of men will be taken into the clubs at intervals and without ostentation; there will be no hectic social Waterloo as at Yale.

The biggest result of the agreement, and the real reason why it was made will be the preservation of the unity of the Freshman class. The men in the new dormitories are not to be divided or estranged or robbed of class spirit by that mysterious social emetic called "hush dope."

That the movement for this agreement has come from the clubs themselves, and is an action of undergraduates, acting with graduate advice, but without tangible connection with the Faculty, is one of its best features. It shows that the undergraduates are eager to co-operate in making the Freshman dormitories stand for class unity.

Whether the agreement is to mean anything, depends entirely on the club members. Such a matter cannot be reduced to specific regulations. There are bound to be loop-holes. It rests with the clubs, whether these loop-holes will be used and the purpose of the agreement, in part, at least defeated. But the men in the clubs have given their words that they will see that the agreement is enforced and this should be sufficient to make it an effective measure in the campaign for class unity.
