For those who have never been to Chapel, this week is a good time to begin. For those who have already acquired the habit, the week will be one of unusual interest. The plan of devoting services during the opening days of the mid-year term to talks by members of the Faculty was inaugurated last year, and met with so much success that it bids fair to become an annual custom. Those who are timid of "regular" ministers will perhaps lose some of their shyness before secular professors, deans, and doctors. The others will be much interested to learn the views of Dean Gay and those who follow him. For six days, religion will cast off the cloth and wear, so to speak, the common business suit. In this garb it may well make a deep appeal to some who have considered creeds as things apart from themselves, and worship as a detached something which may hover around everyday life but which never has much to do with it.
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