
1918 DOWNED ST. PAUL'S, 5 TO 2

Captain Percy, Scoring 4 Goals, Starred.--Team-Play Improved.

The Freshman hockey team defeated the St. Paul's School seven by the score of 5 to 2 at Concord on Saturday. The 1918 team clearly outplayed their opponents and showed much better team-work than in any previous game during the season. From the beginning the Freshman team showed spirit and also followed back well when their opponents had the puck.

Captain Percy was the best man on the ice, scoring four goals for the Freshmen. Gwathmey played a perfect game at goal and did not allow any shots to get by him. Morgan also showed up well for the 1918 team. For St. Paul's, Conover and Marshall played the best game.

The summary:

Score--Freshmen 5, St. Paul's 2. Goals--Percy 4, Shreiber, Conover, Marshall. Referee--G. P. Milne. Goal Umpires--Strawbridge, Bond. 20-minute periods. FRESHMEN.  ST. PAU'S. Morgan, Dunmore, l.w.,  r.w., Robinson, Alcott Condon, Rice, l.c.  r.c., Conover Percy, Pratt, deRham, r.c.  l.c., Henriques Taylor, Percy, r.w.  l.w. Ingalls, Walton Pratt, Taylor, c.p.  c.p., Marshall Gardner, p.  p., Schreiber Gwathmey, Martin, g.  g., Stuart
