

Mid-Year Period Under Faculty of Arts and Sciences Closes.

Mid-year examinations under the Faculty of Arts and Sciences will be concluded this morning according to the following schedule. Unless otherwise stated all tests will commence at 9.15 o'clock. Examinations Today. Education 3b,  Holden English A: Mr. Gordon's sect. 1c,  Emerson A Mr. Gott's sect. 3a,  Harvard 6 Mr. Greene's sect. 3b,  Emerson F Mr. Herrington's sect. 4c,  Sever 35 Mr. Herrington's sect. 5c,  Sever 36 Mr. Hersey's sect. 2a,  Sever 24 Mr. Kempton's sects. 2b, 4b, 5a,  Emerson D Mr. Leonard's sect. 2e,  Harvard 6 Dr. Long's sects. 4a, 5b,  Harvard 5 Mr. McMahon's sect. 1d,  Sever 29 Mr. McMahon's sect. 5d,  Sever 30 Mr. Smith's sects. 2c, 3d,  Emerson J Mr. B. G. Whitmore's sect. 1b,  Sever 5 Mr. B. G. Whitmore's sect. 4d,  Sever 6 Dr. C. E. Whitmore's sect. 1a,  Sever 17 Dr. C. E. Whitmore's sect. 2d,  Sever 18 Dr. C. E. Whitmore's sect. 3c,  Sever 23 History A3,  Andover B Spanish 3,  Emerson D
