

Defeated Regulars 4 to 0 in Arena.--Light Practice for Squad.

The substitutes defeated the first-string players by the score of 4 to 0 in the Arena yesterday. Team B played aggressively, forcing the play most of the time. Baker, who scored two goals, did the best work for the winning seven. Captain Claflin shifted for a short time from his regular position in the defence to left centre.

Most of the afternoon's work-out was given over to a drill in passing and shooting. The wigns, Townsend and Baldwin, are developing greater accuracy in these departments. Before the scrimmage, the substitute forwards were sent against the regular defence in order to improve the play in front of the goal. On account of the hard game with St. Nicholas tomorrow, the practice was comparatively light. Clark, is now nearly recovered from his recent injury, and was on the ice again.

Summary of scrimmage:

Goals.--Baker 2, Wanamaker, Curtis.

Tickets for St. Nicholas Game.


Tickets for the game with St. Nicholas in the Arena tomorrow night are on sale at the Athletic Association Office at $1.50 and $1. TEAM A.  TEAM B. Townsend, l.w.  r.w., Wanamaker Doty, Claflin, l.c.  r.c., Fisher Phillips, r.c.  l.c., Baker Baldwin, r.w.  l.w., Curtis Claflin, Doty, c.p.  c.p., Clark Morgan, p.  p., Eckfeldt. Wylde, g.  g., Harte
