

Eight Regulars Included in This Number.--Line Will Be Built Around Black and Sheldon.

The first step to rectify the conditions which at present handicap Yale football was taken recently when an advisory committee, consisting of three Yale graduates, Vance McCormick '93, S. B. Thorne '96 and J. R. Kilpatrick '11, was chosen, with power to add to its numbers, to consider the football situation and to make to the Athletic Association such recommendations as seem desirable. From present indications it appears likely that a coaching system similar to the one now in vogue at Princeton and Harvard will be adopted at Yale. There is always difficulty in finding a man fitted for such a responsible position, and judging from Princeton's experience last year it will be some time before this important point is settled.

The new coach at New Haven will not suffer from lack of material with which to build a team, although 13 letter men will be lost by graduation: Wilson, White, J. Sheldon, Guernsey, Wiedemann, Way, Higginbotham, Scovil, Chatfield-Taylor, Roberts, Savage, Milton and Von Holt. The first eight of these were practically regulars last season, though many substitutions were made in the Princeton and Harvard games.

Loss of Guernsey Severe.

Undoubtedly the greatest loss will be that of Guernsey at fullback. His punting and drop-kicking was far beyond that of any other member of the squad, and it will be hard to find another man to replace him. Bingham and Neville may be worked up to the position, as they both showed ability in this year's games.

Captain Wilson's and Scovil's positions will also be hard to fill: Wilson because of his ability at running back punts, and Scovil on account of his line-plunging. These men can be replaced, however, by either Waite, Jacques, Neville, Bingham, or Carey. Winters, Merrick, and Stewart, who played on their Freshman team last fall. Braden and Hutchinson will be eligible next year, and should be valuable additions to the squad. Both Van Nostrand and Ames will again compete for quarterback.


The ends of last season, Higginbotham, Allen, Church, Wiedemann, and Moseley, were changed around frequently, and there was not much choice between them. Allen, Church and Moseley will be back next year, and with Comerford, the Freshman captain, and Rosener, who was ineligible, there will be plenty of material and keen competition for these positions.

C. Sheldon will be available again for one of the tackles, with Baldridge, Yates and Kirkpatrick for the other position. Kirkpatrick showed great promise in his work on the 1919 team. Captain-elect Black, who was one of the most powerful guards on any team this year, will continue at his old position. Two good men for the other guard have been found in Galt and Zenner of the 1919 eleven, and although C. Sheldon may be shifted from tackle to guard, the chances are that one of the two will find J. Sheldon's place. McGrath is another possible candidate.

At centre there is a more serious question to face, since both White and Miller are lost by graduation. Callahan or Vorys are the most likely candidates, but Hutchinson may be moved from the backfield to this position
