
Yale Senior Council May: Undergo Reorganization

A proposed reorganization of the present Senior Council at Yale into a student council representing the whole college will be voted on by the three upper classes tomorrow. The Senior Council, realizing the need of some such organization at Yale, and convinced of the inadequacy of the Council under its present form, is submitting to the undergraduates the new constitution, which embodies three important changes; first, making the Council representative of the college as a whole by having it consist of seven seniors, five juniors, and three sophomores, instead of seven seniors only, as has been the custom at Yale heretofore. Second, the Council will take charge of holding the undergraduate elections, and extra-curriculum events, such as class receptions, etc., which duties have been discharged in the past by the Yale Daily News. The third provision is that the elections be held at the end of May instead of in October, so that the Council can be organized and ready in the fall when the college opens.

If ratified by a two-thirds vote of the three upper classes, the new constitution will go into effect immediately.
