Two squads of 30 men each reported for the first hockey practice at the Hemenway Gymnasium yesterday afternoon. Practice consisted of instruction in goal shooting by Captain J. E. P. Morgan '17 and P. H. Smart '14; J. I. Wylde '17, goal on last year's team, coached the goal guards. The water which had been thrown on the pavement of the handball courts froze, giving an excellent ice surface to shoot from. A new feature which added greatly to accuracy in shooting was the introduction of a wooden frame supporting a target with a red metal disc in the centre. The disc rings when the puck strikes it, and is so arranged as to let the puck go through. The shooting was accurate for the first practice of the year. A. R. Bancroft '17 took the men for a three-mile run after practice.
The first practice on ice will be held in the Arena either tomorrow or Thursday, when Coach Winsor will take charge of the squad. The first game will be with the B. A. A. at the Arena on December 18. The full schedule will be announced as soon as it is passed by the Athletic Committee.
Freshman Candidates to Meet.
Candidates for the Freshman team will meet in the Smith Halls common-room tomorrow night, and Captain J. E. P. Morgan '16 and P. H. Smart '14, who will coach the 1919 seven, will outline the work for the winter. Practice for the Freshmen will begin on Monday, and will consist of shooting drill at the Hemenway Gymnasium and conditioning run until the Christmas vacation, when the Stadium rinks will be constructed.
The competition for manager of the Freshman hockey team will begin tomorrow, when all candidates must report at Claverly 6 at 1.30 o'clock. There are five positions to be filled, those of manager and assistant manager of the 1919 team, as well as the managerships of the three dormitory teams. No previous experience is necessary.
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