All notices for the weekly CRIMSON Calendar must be placed in the notice box in the CRIMSON Office on Friday before 5 o'clock, marked "For the CRIMSON Calendar."
Monday, December 6.
3.00.--Soccer vs. Haverford, at Haverford.
5.00.--Physical Colloquium. "The Theory of the Errors of Physical Measurements," by Mr. M. D. Hersey. Jefferson Physical Laboratory, Room 25.
7.30.--Seminary of Economics. "Some Effects of the War on French Industries," by Mr. A. L. Dunham. Widener V.
8.00.--Christian Association Party, Y. M. C. A. Building, Central Square.
8.00.--Topiarian Club. Address by Mr. C. D. Lay, Landscaple Architect. Robinson Hall, Lecture Room A.
8.00.--Cercle Francais plays. Agassiz House.
8.00.--Pierian Concert at Worcester.
Tuesday, December 7.
12.00.--Additional nominations for Senior class officers due, Thayer 8.
4.00.--Faculty of Arts and Sciences. Meeting at University 4.
8.00--Lecture, "Andrea della Robbla," by Professor Allan Marquarad of Princeton University. Fogg Museum, Lecture Room.
8.00.--Cercle Francais plays, Copley Hall, Boston.
8.15.--Organ Recital. Mr. R. G. Appel, assisted by Mr. M. J. Barker. St. John's Memorial Chapel, Episcopal Theological School.
Wednesday, December 8.
Election of Senior class officers.
3.30.--Lecture. "Some Experiences on the Application of Efficiency Principles to Railroad Track Work," by Professor S. L. Conner of Tufts. Emerson J.
4.00.--Conference on Municipal Government. "State Administrative Control of Municipal Government," by Mr. J. R. Douglas. Widener N.
4.45.--Chemical Colloquium. "The Rearrangement of Iso-butyl Bromide into Tertiary Butyl Bromide," by Professor A. Michael. Coolidge Memorial Laboratory.
8.00.--Sophomore Smoker in the Union.
Thursday, December 9.
8.00.--Boston Symphony Orchestra Concert. Sanders Theatre.
Friday, December 10.
Last day for receiving application for the Cheever, Hayden and Haven (Medical) Scholarships.
3.30.--Romance Seminary. Meeting it Widener Y.
4.00-6.00.--University Tea. Phillips Brooks House.
4.55.--Zoological Club. Review: "The Measurement and Significance of Hydrogen Iron Concentrations," by Mr. Selig Hecht. Zoological Laboratory Room 46.
7.30.--Physical Conference. "The Calculus of Variations," II, by Professor W. E. Byerly. Jefferson Physical Laboratory, Room 3.
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