

Moorfield Storey '66, Chairman of New England Committee, Describes Serious Situation.

Moorfield Storey '66, chairman of the recently organized New England Committee for Armenian Relief, has sent out the following appeal for relief funds:

"One of the greatest crimes of history is now being committed against the Armenians in Turkey. Nothing less than the extermination of a people numbering more than 1,200,000 is being attempted. For many years the Armenians have suffered injustice and cruelty at the hands of the Turks. The atrocities of the present year far surpass anything that has every before been perpetrated. They have been made victims of every form of cruelty and outrage. Great multitudes have been driven from their homes, helpless and without food, to die on the race to the desert.

"The authority for these statements rests on a large number of Consular Reports from all parts of Turkey. No less than 29 reliable persons who have come from the interior of Turkey to Boston within the past two months have been carefully interviewed. Documents from Greek, Bulgarian, Turkish, American, German, English, and Armenian sources have been brought together to justify this appeal.

"Ambassador Morgenthau, representing the United States at Constantinople, can use relief funds for refugees gathered in great numbers at various points far from their homes. Under his direction it will be possible to save many lives and relieve great suffering. More than 200,000. Armenians have field into Russian territory, where they are safe from persecution but destitute. A commission is now on the way to Tifflis, in Transcaucasia, to serve as a distributing agency in connection with the United States Consul.

"An immediate answer, to this appeal will be the most effective protest on the part of the American people against this most cruel wrong. At this season of the year, with Thanksgiving just behind us and Christmas fast approaching, what more appropriate gift can be made?"


Money should be sent and checks made payable to Henry D. Forbes, Treasurer, National Shawmut Bank, Boston.
