

Coach Winsor Will Address Prospective Candidates at Varsity Club at 7.30 O'clock.

There will be a meeting of al candidates for the University hockey team at the Varsity club tonight at 7.30 o'clock. Coach A. Winsor, Jr., '02, who has so successfully coached the sevens for the past few years, will speak. Several well-known members of recent University hockey teams will also be present.

The prospects for a successful season are good and there is an exceptional opportunity for new men. The first game on the schedule will be played before the Christmas recess and will probably be with the strong B. A. A. seven. The entire schedule of contests will be published early next week.

The announcement was made yesterday afternoon that over one-half of the piping had been installed in the Boston Arena and that freezing will commence Monday. This will make it possible for the University squad to be on the ice next Wednesday afternoon.

Candidates for the Freshman hockey team will be called out a week from today when a meeting will be held in one of the Freshman Halls common rooms. Freshman manager candidates will be called out next week.
