
1916 and 1917 Debaters Selected

The Junior and Senior debating teams were chosen as the result of last night's trials, 1917 being represented by E. L. C. Davidson, H. S. Freedman, A. E. Whittemore, and r. Palmer, alternate; and 1916 by E. Feinberg, E. A. LeRoy, W. E. McCurdy, and H. L. M. Cole, alternate. H. Epstein 1G, and E. R. Roberts '16 acted as judges. In the debate between these two teams on December 16, the Juniors will argue the affirmative of the subject, "Resolved, That it is for the best interests of he United States to lend economic and financial aid to the European belligerents."

The final Freshman trials will be held in Harvard 5 this evening at 7. M. Cowley, J. T. Noonan, and C. A. Rupp will argue the affirmative; while G. A. Rupp will argue the affirmative; while G. A. Brownell, E. P. Furber, and J. Davis will take the negative.
