The twenty-fourth annual intercollegiate chess tournament will begin at the Murray Hill Hotel, New York, today, and will continue tomorrow and Friday. Four colleges will be represented, Harvard, Columbia, Princeton, and Yale each sending a team. The University will be represented by H. S. Ellenberger '16, R. Johnson '16 (captain), L. D. LoFevre '17, and E. T. King '18, with C. H. Fabens 3L., and R. G. Sloane '19 as substitutes. Ellenberger plays the first board for the University. He was regular second board last year, came in second in the college championship, and won his match from D. A. Quarles, the Yale star, in the match with Yale this fall. Captain Johnson comes second. He played third last year and has won the majority of his matches this season. King was first substitute of the team last year and won the novice University championship.
The University's three opponents have practically the same players as a year ago. However, Columbia has lost one man from her championship quartet, N. W. Kempf being the newcomer to the White and Blue's ranks.
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