

University Choir and Choral Society of Radcliffe to Sing in Appleton Chapel at 8.15.

The Appleton Chapel Choir and the Choral Society of Radcliffe will present a program of Christmas music under the direction of A. T. Davison '06 at the annual services in Appleton Chapel this evening and tomorrow evening at 8.15 o'clock. The Reverend Edward Caldwell Moore, chairman of the Board of Preachers, will be in charge of the services.

Seats will be reserved for members of the University and Radcliffe until five-minutes before the service begins. The doors will then be opened to the public. As the seating capacity of the chapel is limited, those who attend on Monday are requested not to come on Tuesday.

All children of families connected with the University, if accompanied by an older person, are invited to be present at the final rehearsal for the service in Appleton Chapel this afternoon at 4.45 o'clock.

The following program will be presented: Organ Prelude, Chorale in E major  Franck Chorale, "Sleepers, awake" Mendelssohn Carol, "Lo, how a Rose e'er blooming"  Praetorius Carol, "The First Nowell"  Traditional A Legend  Tschaikowsky Congregational Hymn, "O come, all ye faithful,"  J. Reading Old French Carol, "Bring a torch, Jeannette, Isabella." Noel of the Bressau Waits  Darcieux Carol, "When I see the little Jesu"  Osgood Carol, "Listen, Lordings, unto me"  Osgood Chorale, "Ah! Blessed Jesus, Holy Child"  Bach Organ Postlude--"Finale (First Sonata)  Guilmant
