

Horton and Spaulding Elected to Board.--Office Hours Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday.

At a meeting of the Board of Advisers of the Scholarship Service Bureau of the Phi Beta Kappa yesterday afternoon, Walter Marshall Horton '17, of Arlington, and Francis Trow Spaulding '17, of Newtonville, were elected members. The aim of the Bureau is to advise men who come for assistance in matters pertaining to their studies.

For this purpose regular office hours are kept in Weld 44 every Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday from 1.30 to 3 o'clock. Men will be assigned undergraduate advisors, chosen from a list of men who have achieved high standing in studies. These advisors will do no direct tutoring, but will endeavor to show men how to study and take notes in the best way, and by studying with them, will attempt to point out the easiest and most efficient methods of work.

The Board of Advisors at present consists of K. B. Murdock '16 (chairman), W. H. Horton '17, H. L. F. Kreger '16, Cloyd Laporte '16, H. A. Larrabee '16, F. T. Spaulding '17. There is no charge whatever for any services which the Bureau may give.
