
Junior Dance Plans Announced

Announcement was made at the Junior smoker last night by W. H. Meeker '17, chairman of the 1917 Dance Committee, that Lowes fifteen-piece orchestra of Boston has been engaged to play at the dance on February 18. Applications for invitations will be sent to members of the Junior class after the vacation. Tickets will be $3.00 apiece for each Junior and $2.00 for each lady. Checks or cash, together with calling cards, must be enclosed when the applications are returned to the committee.

Members of the class are again asked to submit designs for the dance programs, as few have so far been turned in. Designs must be handed to W. H. Meeker '17, Claverly 36, by January 7.

Boxes for groups of six to ten couples will be arranged and applications signed by the members of each group should be sent to W. T. Barker '17, Beck 32.
