
Seniors and Freshmen Won Interclass Debates

In the semi-finals of the interclass series last night the Seniors defeated the Juniors, successfully maintaining the negative of the question, "Resolved, That it is for the best interests of the United States to lend economic and financial aid to the European belligerents." The judges, W. Anderson 3G., W. C. Greene 2G., and P. B. Potter 2G., gave their decision without conferring. The teams spoke in the following order: 1916--W. E. McCurdy. H. L. M. Cole, E. A. Leroy; 1917--H. S. Freedman, A. E. Whittemore. C. C. Davidson.

In the 1919-1918 debate, the Freshmen were unanimously adjudged the winners. The question was the same in both debates and the Freshmen upheld the affirmative. The order of speakers was 1919--G. A. Brownell, J. T. Noonan, M. Cowley; 1918--J. Davis, W. S. Murphy, L. Brentano.

The finals of the debate will be held January 10, the winning team feceriing a cup. The subject will be the same but team will draw for sides.
