

Many Additions to Faculty, Buildings, Income and Registration In Past Ten Years.

The following interesting summary of the physical and intellectual progress of Princeton during the past ten years appeared in a recent "Princeton Alumni Weekly"

"Then years ago the estimated coast of Princeton's buildings was $3,238,840 Since then 19 new structures costing $5,157,080 in all have been erected; the most important of these being the Graduate College group and the Cleveland Memorial Tower, representing a combined cost of approximately $825,000.

Several of the fireproof buildings erected during the period and used for academic purpose have cost in excess of $400,000 each; the new Sage dining halls, now under construction, will cost between $490,000 and $500,000. It may be noted that the new dormitories erected during this period provided additional accommodations for 547 students and yield and annual gross income of $77,663.

"All of the sums expended in the erection of these 19 structure were special contributions on the part of friends of Princeton, none of the university's invested funds or of the amounts received from tuition fees and the usual sources of income having been devoted to building purposes.

"The university at the present, time owns about 650 acres of land; all of this immediately surround the building. The campus acreage under cultivation amounts to over 107 acres.


"Princeton's growth on it s physical side has been paralleled with an equal increase in the university's intellectual resources. Ten years ago the faculty number 46 professors, 11 assistant professors, 4 lecturers, 35 instructors, and 5 assistants, a total of 101. At that time the academic budget for salaries along amounted to $195,135. For the academic year 1914-15, the faculty numbered 72 professors, 10 assistant professor, 39 preceptors, 48 instructors, and 22 assistants a total of 195. The budget for this teaching staff now amounts to $401,310. The present teaching staff has therefore grown 93 per cent in the last decade, while the academic budget for salaries has more than doubled in this period.

"This increase in Princeton's salary budge for 10 years represents a capitalization at 4 per cent, of $5,154,375. The university, however, has noting like this sum as endowment. As a matter of fact. Princeton's invested funds for professional salaries yield about $105,000 annually and as the amount combined with the sums received from tuition and from fees, fails far short of the sun required every year for salaries, the alumni are called upon each year to meet a considerable deficit in the salary budget.

"In addition to this development in salaries for instruction, the university during these 10 years has increased its scholarship endowed $86,300 and its fellowship endowed $428,000; while the annual budget of the library, has increased for $14,560 to $18,600. During this period gifts of money to the library for the purchase of book have amounted to $89,315"
