As a result of the balloting in the Senior class elections held yesterday, Wells Blanchard, of Concord, was elected Secretary of the Class of 1916. The total vote was somewhat larger than last year's, 248 ballots being counted, as compared with 215 last year. The names of the men who were elected to the Class Committee, the Class Day Committee, and the Photograph Committee are announced in the complete list of Class Day officers in the adjoining column. The number of votes cast for each candidate follows:
W. Blanchard, uncontested.
H. L. Nash, 128; D. C. Watson, 123; E. W. Soucy, 97; C. F. Farrington, 88; K. Bromley, 82.
S. M. Felton, 89; F. G. C. O'Neill, 86; R. H. Stiles, 80; W. W. Kent, 74; R. Coggeshall, 63; W. C. Boyden, Jr., 60; L. P. Mansfield, 52; W. F. Enright, 51; S. M. Foster, 50; R. C. Bacon, 47; D. H. Ingram, 45; W. J. Falvey, 43; R. S. Sturgis, 41.
W. Rollins, 180; W. Whitney, 135; L. Curtis, 2d, 122; R. T. Twitchell, 117; K. G. B. Parson, 109; D. P. Morgan, Jr., 108; A. Dixon, 3d, 104; W. C. Sanger, Jr., 102; R. R. Cowen, 94; R. C. Curtis, 93; D. Moffat, 91; J. G. Heyburn, 84; F. P. Clement, 81; H. Amory, 81; E. Cunningham, Jr., 71; E. L. Black, 69; H. R. Anderson, 66; W. W. Weld 50.
Because of the closeness of voting for the last position on the Class Day Committee, the above result was verified by six re-counts.
The Class Committee, which has charge of all class affairs after graduation, is composed of the two members elected yesterday and the three Marshals, the Secretary, and the Treasurer, who serve as ex-officio members.
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