
Novice Gymnastic Meet Has Been Indefinitely Postponed

The novice gymnastic meet for men who have not taken part in any previous gymnastic meet at the University, which was scheduled for December 18, has been postponed indefinitely, probably until early in March. Five exhibitions are planned for the University team, the first of which will be at the Cambridge Y. M. C. A. on January 8. The first meet of the year will be held on March 4, when the University team will engage in a triangular contest with Dartmouth and Technology at Cambridge. The Intercollegiate meet will take place on March 25.

The gymnastic squad is now practicing twice a week in the Hemenway Gymnasium under the direction of Coach F. W. Maroney, on Mondays at 7.30 o'clock and on Tuesdays at 5 o'clock. The other regular practice hours are Tuesdays and Fridays at 5 o'clock. More candidates, especially Freshmen, should report at any of the above hours. No previous experience necessary.
