
1917 Dance Committee Appointed

The 1917 Dance Committee has been appointed as follows: William Henry Meeker, of New York, N. Y. (chairman); William Torrey Barker, of Cambridge; Norman Elwell Burbidge, of Spokane, Wash.; Henry Bromfield Cabot, Jr., of Brookline; Herbert Bartlett Courteen, of Milwaukee, Wis.; Thomas Hooper Eckfeldt, Jr., of Concord; Jose Calderon Harris, of Brookline; Richard Harte, of Philadelphia, Pa.; Leslie Price Jacobs, of Laramie, Wyo.; Henry Whitney Minot, of Boston; John Edward Parsons Morgan, of New York, N. Y.; Theodore Holton Rice, of Brookline; Samuel Powers Sears, of Quincy; James Paul Warburg, of Washington, D. C.
