The Opera Association has taken steps towards the procuring of seats at a reduce rate for students for the coming season of memo-dramatic and standard grand opera to the presented by the Boston Grand Opera Company in conjunction with Mile. Pavlows and her entire Imprial Russian Ballet. The association has secured the two front rows in the second balconies for every night of the four weeks of the season which will extend from November 15 to December 11. These seats are normally $2 apiece but have been obtained at $1 apiece for association members.
The presentation will consist of twenty-four performances, and each week will be divided into two series,--Series, A, on Monday, Wednesday and Friday evenings and Serides B on the alternative evenings. The entire repertory of twelve operas will be presented at either one these two series. The Opera Association will distribute its tickets as follows. The membership fee will be $1. Each member will receive a membership card which gives him the privilege of purchasing tickets at the reduced rates. These tickets will be non-transferable and will entitle each member to one seat which must be both by the member personally. The seats for each week will go on sale on Monday of that week and will be sold up to 6 o'clock in the evening when the sale will be close for that week so that all unsought seats may be turned back for general sale. Membership tickets will be sold Friday at Amee's bookstore and at the Union.
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