
Three-Hour Secret Work For Princeton Team

Princeton, N. J., Nov. 2, 1915. -- The Princeton football team had a long, hard secret practice today lasting three hours, the main feature of which was a secret scrimmage with the scrubs. Captain Glick was in at quarter, Dickerman was tried at halfback again today, with Shea and Tibbott completing the backfield.

After the secret scrimmage the team lined up against an all-star team composed of the coaches, who scored one touchdown against the University team. The defense of the latter was weak, difficulty being experienced in stopping the plays.

The team lined up today as follows: l.e., Highly; l.t., Parisette; l.g., Love; c., Butterworth; r.g., Hogg; r.t., Halsey; r.e., Brown; q.b., Tibbott; l.h.b., Shea; r.h.b., Moore; f.b., Driggs.
