Princeton, N. J., November 25.--Princeton's representatives at the triangular eligibility conference between Harvard, Yale, and Princeton will be Dean McClenahan, chairman of the Princeton Athletic Committee, H. B. Fine, W. E. Green, H. Henry, Professor C. W. Kennedy, and M. Taylor.
Date Still Uncertain.
Although the date of the conference is not fully settled, it will in all probability be held on Friday and Saturday, December 3 and 4. The delegates to the meeting, which will consume the better part of two days, will be guests of the Yale Club of New York. The University will be represented by Dean Briggs, chairman of the University Athletic Committee, and graduate representatives of the major sports. The complete personnel of the University committee will be decided as soon as the date of the conference is definitely determined. Yale's delegation, as previously announced in the CRIMSON, will consist of Professor Corwin, chairman of the Yale Athletic Committee, Fred Allen, George Case, G. P. Day, John Field. Henry Hobson, and John Kilpatrick.
The conference will discuss cases of athletes in all three universities and it is likely that a revised eligibility code will result.
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