

Losers Gave Undefeated Cornell Team Unexpected Shock.

Franklin Field, Philadelphia, November 25.--One of the most spectacular football games of the season was played today at Franklin Field when the Pennsylvania eleven after holding the undefeated Cornell team to a 9 to 7 score till the end of the third period was defeated by the Ithacans 24 to 9. Both elevens played the best game of the season and only through Captain Barrett's superior generalship and steady gains was Cornell able to remain an undefeated team. Barrett scored 18 of his team's 24 points. Neither team scored in the first quarter but in the second period both made touchdowns. Pennsylvania kicked a goal from the field and the Cornell captain kicked the goal from touchdown, making the tally 9 to 7 in the Philadelphia team's favor. The third period was marked by the close playing of both elevens, neither getting within the danger limit of the other's goal-posts. In the fourth period, however, Cornell scored 17 points through several end runs of over 40 yards by Barrett and Shiverick.
