As a result of conferences among representatives of the University Presses of Harvard, Yale, and Princeton, there has been formed The University Press Association, designed to further the interests of all three Presses mentioned and to enable them to co-operate with one another to their mutual advantage. Under this plan each of the three University Presses maintains its independence and freedom of action in managing its work of publishing in its own way. Through the formation of the Association, however, it will be possible for each Press to bring its publications more effectively to the attention of the graduates of other Universities and to the notice of the world at large; and, quite possibly, at some saving of expense in advertising.
As a first step in co-operative distribution of their books, the three Presses have arranged for the opening of the University Press Association Section in the bookstore of Charles Scribner's Sons, within a few blocks of the University Club in New York. Here complete sets of the publications of the Harvard University Press, Princeton University Press and Yale University Press will be found on exhibition and sale, the collections being kept up to date by the addition of new books by each Press on the day of publication. It is scarcely necessary to point out the advantage to scholars and other book lovers of being able henceforth, in attractive surroundings, to inspect at their leisure all the volumes issued by three of our greatest American universities.
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