Five special trains leave Boston tonight and tomorrow to carry back to New Haven and New York those who came on for today's game. The three limited trains, which do not ordinarily run on Sunday, have been added to tomorrow's schedule. Following is a condensed time-table of trains. The numbers in parentheses indicate the number of sections and (s) denotes a special train. To-day. New Haven to Boston. Lv. N. H. Ar. Boston. 8.45 A.M. 12.30 P.M. (s) Boston to New Haven and New York. Lv. N. Y. Ar. Allston 7.10 A.M. 1.00 P.M. (s) Special Train for Members of Harvard Club of New York Only. Lv. Allston. Ar. New York 5.05 P.M. 11.20 P.M. (s) Special Train for Members of Harvard Club of New York Only. Lv. S. Sta. Ar. N. H. Ar. N. Y. 5.00 P.M.* 8.25 P.M. 10.10 P.M. (2) 5.10 P.M. 9.04 P.M. 11.00 P.M. (2) 6.00 P.M. 9.50 P.M. 11.00 P.M. (2) 6.00 P.M. 9.50 P.M. -----(s) 12.00 M. 4.25 A.M. 6.53 A.M. (2) Tomorrow. Lv. S. Sta. Ar. N. H. Ar. N. Y. 1.00 A.M. ----- 7.05 A.M. (2) 10.00 A.M.* 1.25 P.M. 3.36 P.M. (2s) 10.05 A.M. 2.06 P.M. 4.11 P.M. (2) 1.00 P.M.* 4.25 P.M. 6.10 P.M. (2s) 1.05 P.M. 5.06 P.M. 7.11 P.M. (2) 3.00 P.M. 6.47 P.M. 8.45 P.M. (3) 5.00 P.M.* 8.25 P.M. 10.10 P.M. (2s) 5.10 P.M. 9.04 P.M. 11.00 P.M. (2) 12.00 M. 4.25 A.M. 6.53 A.M. (2)
*Limited train; special form of ticket required.