The University second football team closed a highly successful season Nov. 12 by defeating the Brown University scrubs 14 to 0. The team played, in all, four regular games and several practice games. At the beginning of the season the University team was scored on in practice scrimmages with the seconds, the scrimmages proving a great aid to Coach Haughton in showing up the weaknesses of the individual players on the first squad before team A and team B were organized. Practice games were played with M. I. T. 1919, Rindge, Freshman first and second teams and a second team from its own squad.
On the regular schedule there were four games, in none of which the seconds were scored upon. The first game was with Groton School, at Groton, on October 9, the score being Seconds 7, Grotons 0. In the first three periods neither team tallied, but in the fourth period, after two tries through centre, Murray went around Groton's left end for the touchdown. Murray kicked the goal.
Scoreless Tie With Dean.
The second game on the schedule was with Dean Academy, at Franklin, on October 16. No brilliant playing was shown by either side, and the fumbling of both teams was conspicuous. The result was a scoreless tie.
The second team met the Princeton scrubs on the old Princeton Field in the third game of the season on November 6, the morning of the University contest with Princeton. The University scrubs won, 6 to 0, the winning touchdown being made by Johnson at right half in the latter part of the second period through a trick play. At no time could the Princeton team make any headway through the opposing line, and not until the fourth period did they have any chance of scoring.
On November 12 the Brown Seconds were defeated 14 to 0. The contest was marked by the same steady work which characterized the team's play all the season. The touchdowns were both made in the first half, one by Murray and the second by Appleton. Murray and Minot kicked the goals.
The total points made by the men during the season are as follows: Murray, 14; Appleton, 6; Johnson, 6; Minot, 1.
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