

Practice Games Resulted in Three Victories, Two Defeats and One Tie for "Rovers."

As no coach has as yet been engaged for the University baseball team, fall practice was carried on under the direction of Captain H. L. Nash '16. The team worked out daily for about three weeks and played six games with local semi-professional teams under the name of the "Rovers." These games resulted in three victories, two defeats, and one tie for the University nine. No attempt was made to pick a first team as it was desired to try out as many men as possible and get a line on the new material which will be available next spring.

It is impossible of course at this time to predict the make-up of the team next season as there are numerous vacancies which must be filled from last year's substitutes and from the 1918 Freshman team. The University will have an unusually strong pitching staff, however. E. W. Mahan '16, who was the mainstay last year will again be with the nine as will W. Whitney '16, who won the second Yale game last year. In addition, W. J. Boles '18, probably the strongest pitcher in College, who was unable to play last year on account of difficulties with the Office, and W. C. Hitchcock '18 of the 1918 Freshman team will be available. This quartet will make a combination rarely found on a college nine. R. Harte '17 will again do the bulk of the receiving. Harte is a good hitter, has a strong whip, and is heavy enough to stand the strain of constant work. T. H. Safford '16 will be on hand to relieve him occasionally.

The right hand side of the diamond is cared for by two of the best players who ever represented the University. Captain Nash is a hard hitter and clever fielder; G. E. Abbot '17 at second is a master of the pivot work around the keystone station, and while not rated a heavy hitter, is a difficult man to pitch to and fast on the bases. Both these men possess the "baseball brains" without which mere mechanical perfection of execution is often valueless.

The left hand side of the infield offers the problem which must be solved to produce a championship team. If R. R. Ayres, who was captain of last year's nine, until forced to resign on account of illness, can be persuaded to come out for the team, he will undoubtedly hold down the hot corner. Ayres is in College, but at present plans to take his degree at mid-years. W. J. Murray '18, who captained last year's Freshman team, will probably be found at third if Ayres does not report. B. C. Cartmell '16, who was substitute shortstop two years ago, but was not in College last year, is back again and may be used at third or short. Cartmell is a first-class fielder but weak with the stick. The same is true of C. S. Reed '17 who held down the shortfield last year. T. H. Enwright '18 shows some promise but is as yet far from a finished player. F. G. Fripp '16 may be used at third although he is better in the outfield.

For the outer defence, F. P. Coolidge '16 is the only veteran left and will probably be found in the centre garden. Coolidge is a good hitter and fielder and exceptionaly fast on bases. C. Wyche '18 has shown up well in the fall work and at present seems to be slated to play the sun field. F. G. Fripp '16 and J. Knowles '18 appear to be the best men for the remaining position, but P. B. Boyden '18 and G. A. Percy '18 may displace either of them.


The strength of next year's team will lie in the pitching staff. Much depends, too, on the coach. At present, the nine is well furnished with raw material but it needs to be drilled and whipped into a unit before it can reach championship form.

The games this fall resulted as follows:

October 6.--Rovers, 1; Somerville, 0.

October 9.--Rovers, 5; Winchester, 1.

October 13.--Rovers, 0; Calumet A. C., 8.

October 16.--Rovers, 8; Calumet A. C., 8.

October 18.--Rovers, 3; Pilgrims, 5.

October 22.--Rovers, 8; Brookline All Stars, 6.

Total.--Rovers, 25; Opponents, 28
