The buildings of Harvard College were used as army quarters in the Revolutionary War; Memorial Hall and Soldiers Field are monuments to the Harvard men who fell in 1861-65. Yet we of the present generation, while we deeply sympathize, can hardly appreciate the conditions in European universities today. The following extract from the Review, of Cambridge, England, shows a situation and a spirit which are only too common in institutions of learning throughout all Europe:
"The first number of the Review for this academic year is in itself unique. The journal of University life and thought has become on this occasion a record of the death and self-devotion of Cambridge men. It is a record of which any University might be proud. At present it is estimated that ten thousand, two hundred and fifty Cambridge men have come forward to serve their country. Already nearly one in seven is numbered among the killed, the wounded, or the prisoners. The most brilliant gifts intellectual, administrative and physical, have been offered freely and without complaint upon the altar of our country. The list of those who have won distinction is enough to fill our hearts with thankfulness that Cambridge has produced such sons, and nearly every one of us have friends whose unrecorded heroism would swell the list, were it possible that all could be recognized and their deeds be made known.
"It is for those of us who perforce remain in Cambridge to do all in our power to keep alive the fading embers of the sacred fire of our University, that she may welcome back in the days of peace those who left her so readily at the call of duty, and keep ever fresh in the days to come the names of her noble sons whose lives have been self-dedicated to the service of their native land."
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