New Haven, Conn., Nov. 1, 1915.--Frank Hinkey has not resigned as coach of the Yale football team and he will continue to hold that position in any case until the end of the season. T. H. Shevlin, Yale '06, has not been asked to assume the position of head coach and it is not yet known whether he will be asked to take charge at the field, although he will join the squad of coaches.
Six graduate coaches reported at the field today and the work of reorganizing the team began at once. The practice consisted entirely of individual drill, the squad being divided into separate groups. Bigelow, Yale '08 and Lilley '10S. took charge of the tackles, Kilpatrick, Yale '11 coached the ends, Hutchinson '06S. and Field, Yale '11 drilled the backs.
Van Nostrand, last year's freshman quarterback, has been declared eligible and joined the squad today. The same plan of stiff, individual drill with special coaching will be continued today and tomorrow.
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