
Attractions at New York Theatres Next Saturday

Among the leading attractions at the New York theatres next Saturday night are the following: "The Girl who Smiles," at the Longacre; "Under Fire," at the Hudson; "Chin Chin," at the Globe; "The Birth of a Nation," at the Liberty; "Hip, Hip, Hooray," etc., at the Hippodrome; "Common Clay," at the Republic; "Hit-the-Trail-Holiday," at the Astor; Geraldine Farrar in "Carmen," at the Strand; "Young America," at the Gaiety; "Miss Information," at George M. Cohan's; "Around the Map," at the New Amsterdam; William Gillette in "Sherlock Holmes," at the Empire; "Rolling Stones," at the Harris; Lillian Russell at B. F. Keith's; "The Boomerang," at the Belasco; "The Battle Cry of Peace," at the Vitagraph; and "Town Topics," at the Century. Members of the University football and association football teams will attend the latter performance, for which tickets may be had at the H. A. A. Office.
