The establishment of two endowments at Yale in memory of persons who lost their lives in the Lusitania disaster was announced at the last meeting of the Yale corporation. Ogden Hammond, Yale '93, has given $14,000 for the establishment of a publication fund in the Semetic department in memory of Mrs. Hammond and in recognition of the distinguished services to Yale of Professor A. T. Clay.
The other endowment is in memory of E. B. Thompson, Yale '04, whose life was lost when the Lusitania sank. A scholarship of $600 annually in the Sheffield Scientific School is to be awarded to graduates of the Shield High School, Seymuor, Md., from which institution Mr. Thompson was graduated. The fund is established by his widow.
Another gift reported was the Alexander Kohut memorial collection of 10,000 volumes in the general field of Semetics.
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