

Mystery, Farce and Comedy Characterize One-Act Pieces to be Given in December.

The Cercle Francais production this year will consist of three one-act pieces, a mystery play, a comedy, and a farce. These are "L'Intruse," a modern mystery play, by Maeterlinck; "L'Ecole des Belles-Meres," a comedy dealing with modern French manners, by Brieux; and "Les Deux Courds," a farce by Moinaux. Two performances, one in Agassiz House on December 7, and one in Boston on December 8 or 9, will be given.

Men's parts will be taken by members of the University Cercle Francais, and women's parts by members of the Radcliffe Cercle. The casts for the three plays follow: L'Intruse. L'Aieul,  N. F. Hall 3G. Le Pere,  A. N. Colton '16 L'Oncle,  J. A. Levinson '17 Les Trois Filles,  Doris Halman '16, Ruth Brunswick '18, Ethel Keep '16 La Soeur de Charite,  Katherine Devine '16 La Bonne,  Ruth Mack '18 L'Ecole des Belles-Meres. Andre,  J. G. Beebe-Center '19 M. Graindor,  F. C. de Wolf Uc. Mme. Graindor.  ---- Mme. Maliiet,  Isabel Coolidge '16 Fifine,  Priscilla May '17 La Servante,  Ruth Babson '16 Les Deux Sourds. Damoiseau,  H. Scholle '18 Placide,  W. H. Russell '18 Boniface,  Nanciebel Rodgers '16 Le Garde Champetre,  G. Aldis '17 Le Jardinier,  ----

Rehearsals are taking place daily under the direction of Edouard D'Armand, of the Conservatoire Nationale de Paris.
