

Tentative Princeton Hookey Schedule Already Arranged.--Three-game Series With University.

Princeton's hockey team will start the season with seven of last year's regulars back. G. A. Peacock will be captain and the men to be relied upon are W. F. Clarkson, H. W. Cohu, H. D. Comey, R. Eberstadt, H. W. Ford, A. L. Haskell, P. W. Hills, G. S. Humphreys, W. Y. Humphreys, W. S. Schoen, and J. T. Scully. Six men are available from last year's freshman team. These include H. R. Chambers, Jr., H. B. Cushman, G. L. Lawyer, R. G. Prescott, F. L. Rue, 3d, and T. B. Stickney.

Although the schedule has not been fully completed, a dozen games have already been arranged, including the series with the University. Princeton's first game of the year will be with St. Paul's School at the St. Nicholas rink in New York. During the Christmas recess the team will go to Pittsburgh, where a series of three practice games with Yale will be played. An invitation has been received from St. Paul's School to spend five days of January in Concord, N. H.

The provisional schedule follows:

December 22.--St. Paul's School at New York.

December 28, 29, 30.--Yale at Pittsburgh.


January 1-5.--St. Paul's School at Concord (uncertain).

January 5.--Dartmouth at Boston (probable).

January 8.--Williams at New York.

January 15.--Harvard at Boston.

January 19.--Yale at New Haven.

January 22.--Harvard at New York.

February 12.--Dartmouth at New York.

February 16.--Yale at New Haven.

February 19.--Harvard at New York (in case of tie).

February 23.--Yale at New Haven.
