

Heavy Schedule Arranged for University Team This Year.

The meet with Yale is the striking feature of this year's swimming schedule. The last time the University met Yale was in February, 1913, but since that time the swimming management has not felt that the team was in a position of sufficiently equal terms to compete with Yale, on account of lack of facilities to build up a team. Swimming was entirely abolished as a sport in the University in 1910. The construction of the Cambridge Y. M. C. A. tank, however, has made it possible to re-establish swimming.

The team this year should be a strong one, as eight men from last year's team are eligible to compete again. These men are: B. M. Fullerton '16 (captain), J. A. Machado '17, S. J. Rogers '17, J. W. D. Seymour '17, and H. Wentworth '17, dash men; A. Dixon, 3d, '16, plunger; K. F. Jackson '17, and W. K. Munroe '17, divers. In addition, the team will have the services of the following men from last year's Freshman team: A. S. Francis '18, R. Hitchcock '18, and T. T. Seelye '18, sprinters; W. Richmond, Jr., '18, plunger; and M. Blanchard '18, diver, who holds the amateur diving championship of New England.

Water-Polo Team Planned.

It is planned this year to organize a water-polo team for the first time. Meets will be arranged if sufficient men report for the team when practice starts for both it and the University team early in December. J. W. D. Seymour '17 has been appointed captain of the polo team in the event of its formation.

There will be a meeting of the men named above in Matthews 5 next Monday evening at 7 o'clock, when the work and plans of the year will be outlined. Practice will be held again this year in the Cambridge Y. M. C. A. tank.


Nine Meets on Program.

The swimming schedule for this year's team will be as follows, subject to the approval of the Athletic Committee:

February 12.--Worcester Academy at Worcester.

February 16.--M. I. T. in Cambridge.

February 19.--Princeton at Princeton.

February 1.--C. C. of New York at New York.

February 22.--Columbia at New York.

March 1.--Andover at Andover.

March 4.--Springfield at Springfield.

March 11.--Amherst at Boston.

March 13.--Yale at New Haven.
