
Brown Tickets on Public Sale

Tickets for the Brown game are on sale at the H. A. A., and Leavitt & Peirce's in Cambridge; in Boston at the Harvard Club, Filene's, Wright & Ditson's and at the B. A. A. later in the week. The prices are as follows: reserved seat tickets $1.50; general admission $1. The reserved seats are in sections 1, 6 to 13 and 25, 26; sections 2 to 5 having been reserved for the Brown cheering section. The general admission tickets admit to the seats in the bowl and possibly to the wooden stands at the north end of the field.

Anyone possessing Brown game tickets will be entitled to witness the Freshman game with Yale 1919; but for those desiring to see the Freshman game alone, a special form of ticket will be issued admitting to the Freshman game and not to the University game. These tickets may be procured at the box office.
