
Freshmen Will Organize Common Rooms Tomorrow

The members of the Freshman class, living in the dormitories will hold meetings in the Common Rooms of the three Halls tomorrow evening at 7.30 o'clock. The purpose of the meetings is to organize the Common Rooms and elect the House Committees. Speeches will be made by the resident proctors, Dr. A. T. Davison '06, of Smith; Professor, C. H. McIlwain '03, of Standish, and Professor E. P. Kohler of Gore. Temporary chairmen will then be elected and the transaction of further business turned over to them. Heretofore each entry has elected one representative to serve on the House Committee but this year each committee will be composed of five members elected from any part of the dormitory. Nominations will be in order tomorrow night. After tomorrow further candidates may be nominated by petition, signed by fifteen members of the dormitory from which the man is nominated. These petitions should be handed to the temporary chairman of the dormitory. The election will take place next week.
