Beginning today the office of the H. A. A. will be open from now on, between the hours of 9 and 5.30 o'clock to receive applications for football tickets to the last five games on the schedule, from members of the University, including Technology students who are candidates for a Harvard degree. Members of the Faculty may apply either in person or on the student applications, or by mail on the regular graduate applications. All students must apply in person. The money must accompany each application. Tickets assigned on student application will not be mailed but must be called for at the office of the Association during the five days preceding the day of each game.
Applications close for the Cornell game, Tuesday, October 12; for the Penn. State game, Friday, October 15; for the Princeton game, Friday, October 22; for the Brown game, Friday, October 29; for the Yale game, Thursday, November 4, in each case at 6 P. M.
For the Yale game, the limit will be two to each applicant, and no application will be accepted unless one of the seats is for the personal occupancy of the applicant. For the other four application games, the number of tickets to each applicant will not be limited either as to number of tickets nor "personal use," but, in general, applications for "personal use" and for lesser numbers will be preferred in the allotment. For the Yale game, an application for a seat in the cheering section precludes the right to another seat. For the Princeton game this rule does not apply. There will be no cheering section for the other games, other than the regular H. A. A. ticket sections. Persons wishing to sit together must file their applications together. Yale and Princeton men attending any of the Harvard schools should apply to their own managements for the game with their university.
The rules against speculation will be rigidly enforced. Every applicant is held responsible for the tickets allotted to him. Any man whose tickets are sold or offered for sale at a premium, either by himself or anyone else, will be black-listed and thereafter denied the privilege of obtaining tickets on application for all athletic events. Other information as to the classification of applications in the allotment may be found on the schedule folder which has been publicly distributed.
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